Saturday, October 5, 2019

Ink, Iron, and Glass by Gwendolyn Clare

Ink, Iron, and Glass 
by Gwendolyn Clare
Macmillan/Imprint Publishing Group
February 20, 2018
336 pages

Plot:  Can she write a world gone wrong?

A certain pen, a certain book, and a certain person can craft entirely new worlds through a branch of science called scriptology. Elsa comes from one such world that was written into creation, where her mother―a noted scriptologist―constantly alters and expands their reality.

But when her home is attacked and her mother kidnapped, I force Elsa to cross into the real world and use her own scriptology gifts to find her. In an alternative Victorian Italy, Elsa finds a secret society of young scientists with a gift for mechanics, alchemy, or scriptology―and meets Leo, a gorgeous mechanist with a smart mouth and tragic past. She recruits the help of these fellow geniuses just as an assassin arrives on their doorstep.

In this thrilling debut, worlds collide as Elsa unveils a deep political conspiracy seeking to unlock the most dangerous weapon ever created―and only she can stop it.

Review:  In this new debut series Ink, Iron and Glass, Clare creates an interesting and unique story where books don't just contain words, but worlds with actual people living in it.  And although these worlds and people were "scripted" into existence, they are as real as anyone in the real world. The story not only revolves around Elsa finding her mother but the political agendas that have a deeper connection to Elsa's world and the people she cares about.  

While the first half of the book is a little slow to start, the action and excitement in the second half picks up and draws you into the story a lot more.  I liked that the romance between Elsa and Leo was not insta-love.  They actually disliked each other at first.  The action, drama, and plot twists at the end will definitely keep readers interested in finding out what happens next.  A unique blend of steampunk, romance, and historical fiction! Recommended for ages 14 and up!  

Book 2: Mist, Metal, and Ash (February 19, 2019)

*A DRC was given for an honest review.

Rating:  4 Hearts!

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