Friday, October 11, 2019

Lone Star Book Blogger Tour: A DISTANCE TOO GRAND by Regina Scott ***GIVEAWAY & EXCERPT***

(American Wonders Collection, Book One)
   Genre: Historical Fiction / Christian Romance
Publisher: Revell
Date of Publication: October 1, 2019
Number of Pages: 384

***Scroll down for the giveaway!***

Meg Pero has been assisting her photographer father since she was big enough to carry his equipment, so when he dies she is determined to take over his profession--starting with fulfilling the contract he signed to serve on an Army survey of the North Rim of the Grand Canyon in 1871. What she doesn't realize is that the leader of the expedition is none other than the man she once refused to marry.
Captain Ben Coleridge would like nothing more than to leave without the woman who broke his heart. He can't afford to be distracted during this survey, which is a screen for another, more personal mission, one he cannot share with any member of his team.
As dangers arise from all sides--and even from within--Meg and Ben must work together to stay alive, fulfill their duties, and, just maybe, rekindle a love that neither had completely left behind.

"Five stars is not a rating I usually bestow. But Regina Scott's A Distance Too Grand merits it. Lively, realistic, engaging characters. A compelling and intriguing plot with life and death consequences kept me turning pages. I hated to put the book down."--Lyn Cote, Carol Award-winning author

"Adventure, danger, and romance in a wonderful, fresh setting: the Grand Canyon of 1871. Readers will find much to love." --Julie Klassen, bestselling author
"Regina has done an excellent job of bringing the setting and characters to life. I could see and feel the canyon and picture the characters going about their tasks. A balance of mystery, romance, and adventure with enough factual information that I almost felt I could take over for the heroine. I highly recommend this book." -- Linda Ford, award-winning, fan-favorite author of the Glory, Montana series

Chapter One, Part One of
A Distance Too Grand
By Regina Scott

Fort Wilverton, Arizona Territory, August 1871

“You can’t be the photographer.”
Meg Pero blew a stray blonde hair out of her vision, aimed her sunniest smile at the Army clerk, and laid a gloved hand on the contract sitting between them on the scarred wood counter. “This is a legally binding document, and that is a senior officer’s signature, is it not?”
The clerk squinted down at the scrawl. “Yes, ma’am. But I was told the contract was with Matthew Pero. You’re not Matthew Pero.”
Indeed she wasn’t. She’d worked most of her life to be as good a photographer as her father. Few knew that she had taken many of the pictures attributed to him the last three years.
If you look closely,” Meg said, bending over the contract, the sunlight from the door behind blazing across the crowded quartermaster’s office, “you’ll see the name is M. Pero. M for Margaret.”
Corporal Dent bent lower as well, dark wool cap slipping on his short brown hair, then raised his eyes to meet her gaze. “But you can’t be the photographer.”
She sighed despite herself. She’d been expecting the argument ever since she’d discovered the contract among her father’s effects. He had to have negotiated it more than five months ago, before he’d fallen ill. Papa had always been the one to negotiate their services.
Men don’t like haggling with women, Meg,” he’d explained more than once. “Just smile and look pretty, then show them you can do the job better than any of them.”
She’d never liked that advice, but she certainly couldn’t follow it now if the clerk wouldn’t even give her a chance!
It had been like that most of her trip—­arguments, protests. Women couldn’t be seen here, sit alone there. She was too short and slight to look imposing, more likely to smile than scowl. Normally men hurried to help when she glanced their way. But sweet words of persuasion and eager looks had not availed her much this time.
Things had been so much easier when Papa was alive. He could charm his way into any situation, make her presence seem perfectly reasonable. He’d probably have found a way to explain why she’d come riding up with the supply train to the dry red-­rock plateau that held the adobe buildings of the fort, pulling ten mules loaded with photographic equipment that the clerk of the fort was attempting to turn away.
It’s a perfectly good contract,” she said. “There were probably lawyers involved.”
He scratched at his navy wool jacket, and she envied him the uniform’s warmth. Though the last few days of travel from Utah had seen warm temperatures, the nights were cool. As it was, she wore her navy wool cloak over her sky-­blue cotton blouse and tan twill skirt.
I don’t doubt it’s legal, ma’am,” he said. “I also don’t doubt Captain Coleridge would put me in irons if I added you to the payroll.”
Captain Coleridge? Funny. She was certain Fort Wilverton’s commanding officer, who had signed the contract, had been a Colonel Coleridge. Not that she had any interest in making his acquaintance. That was one of the reasons she’d headed straight for the quartermaster’s office instead of fort headquarters. Someone would eventually inform the colonel of her presence, but perhaps she would be able to make her escape with the survey team without meeting him again. How could she reintroduce herself to the famous Army colonel when she’d broken his son’s heart five years ago?
Captain Coleridge,” she said, “will be as bound by that contract as you are.”
He pushed the paper at her as if afraid it might bite. “But you’re a woman. Women aren’t photographers.”
Meg kept her smile in place. “On the contrary. There are ladies right now who run photography studios in England, Germany, and New York.”
All well and good, ma’am,” he said. “But we can’t have women on a survey expedition.”
Now, that point she’d come prepared to argue. “Your commanding officer told my father in a letter that the cartographer’s wife will be joining the survey.”
Yes, but Mrs. Newcomb can cook,” he protested, backing up until his shoulders bumped the rough-­wood shelves behind him, setting the canteens stocked there to rattling.
And I can take pictures,” Meg informed him. “I see no difference.”
You would if you knew Mrs. Newcomb,” he muttered.
Meg refused to dignify the comment with a response. She’d traveled more than two thousand miles—­by rail, wagon, and finally mule—­to reach the fort. Corporal Dent couldn’t know the danger she’d left behind, a threat to everything she’d ever known. She could still see the glitter in her aunt’s green eyes as the family had returned from Papa’s funeral.
You’ve been terribly cozened, Margaret,” she’d said, leading Meg into her dingy little house in Norfolk. “As far as I can see, your father filled your head with nonsense about your place in this world. At six and twenty, a young lady should be wed, with children playing at her feet.”
But that would make it terribly hard to get the shot,” Meg had replied.
Aunt Abigail had not been amused. But then, Meg had learned, Aunt Abigail was never amused.

Regina Scott is the author of more than 40 works of warm, witty historical romance. Her writing has won praise from Booklist and Library Journal, and she was twice awarded the prestigious RT Books Reviews best book of the year in her category. A devotee of history, she has learned to fence, driven four-in-hand, and sailed on a tall ship, all in the name of research. She and her husband of 30 years live south of Tacoma, Washington, on the way to Mt. Rainier.

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FIRST PRIZE: Copy of A Distance Too Grand + 2020 National Parks Calendar; 
SECOND PRIZE: Copy of A Distance Too Grand  + Grand Canyon Candle; 
THIRD PRIZE: Copy of A Distance Too Grand  + Parks Pencil Set 

October 8-October 18, 2019
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Author Interview
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